Lukas Galke

I’m Lukas, a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. I’m most passionate about natural language processing and lifelong machine learning, while often engaging in interdisciplinary projects. Currently, I’m focusing on how deep neural networks learn to communicate and the parallels to human communication.

Selected publications

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Recent news

  • July 2024: paper accepted at ECAI
  • May 2024: paper accepted at CoLLAs
  • May 2024: gave a talk at the Creative Intelligence Lab of Leiden University, NL
  • Dec 2023: received best paper award from GenBench workshop, EMNLP 2023
  • Jul 2023: received outstanding reviewer award from ACL 2023
  • Jul 2023: gave a talk in the Cognitive Systems Colloquium, University of Ulm [t29]
  • Jul 2023: gave a talk in the AI Colloquium of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam [t28]
  • May 2023: paper on lifelong graph learning published in Neural Networks [j3]
  • May 2023: gave a talk in the KIK AI Coffee and Learning meeting at Amsterdam University Medical Centre [t26]
  • May 2023: gave a talk in the Computational Linguistics Seminar at University of Amsterdam [t25]


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